In this post, I’m going to write about the changes that could be made in my study program and what I think about the actual study program.
First, I have to say that studying in the “University of Chile” sometimes makes me uncomfortable, because everyone says wow you are in one of the best universities  of  Chile, and I think, Have you ever been in FAU?! I really think that the program and the infrastructure can improve a lot. And I really like it, I really wanted to join this university but I think that things can be always better.
Well, I think the curriculum is in a logical order, but I think that I have not learned all the things that I should. The way that the courses are made makes me feel that they want to teach us a lot of things in a short time, and workshop demands a lot of time, a lot, and the workload of workshop sometimes is too much. Because of that, I think that we do not have the time to learn all the things of the other courses. The workload sometimes is too much, and yes, It is supposed to be hard be in university, but sometimes it’s very hard, and sometimes it’s bad to the mental health of some people. I think that one of the major problems in Fau is the time.
About infrastructure, I think that everyone thinks the same I do; Fau has a very bad infrastructure, because it was not a building to make classes when they made it. We don´t have the correct spaces to do our things, and now that we are a lot, sometimes we don´t have any space!! It’s very ironic.


  1. I think the same! We've been through a lot of courses and I think i didn't learned as much as I would have wanted. They put a lot of materia in just a semester.


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