Post 7. Movies and series

Well, hello, in this post I’m going to write about my favorite’s movies and series.

But the truth is I’m too bad to watch movies and series, because with some movies or series I feel that I’m losing my time, and I get distracted easily.
But a show that I really like is Friends, I can watch this all day, and laugh every time. I have seen this show at least 3 times completely, and when I’m doing some stuff for university I put this show at back, to listen and laugh. The show is about a group of friends (dah) and their daily life. I like the characters, but I don’t like Ross. If you see friends and you like Ross, I have to say iuggg.

Well, I’m always trying to see more series, but I always finish watching the same. And I really don’t make time to watch more series.

Another show that I really like is Sherlock, I love it, because it’s funny and in some way very very smart. And I really like Orange is the new black too. 

And if I have to talk about movies, I really like the movies of Wes Anderson, sometimes not the history, because sometimes is boring I have to admit (to give an example, the first movie that I saw of him, I didn’t finish because I got bored), but I like the way that he films their movies. I really like the aesthetics of the movies, the colors, the ways of the camera film, how they characters have always their thing, a peculiarity.


  1. I've heard that Friends it's a very good show, but same as you, i get bored and drop the serie, so i prefer don't watch it lol



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